Month: April 2010

  • The problem of not recognizing our place in the universe

    Man. We are so arrogant! We think we’re the center of everything, the ultimate authority. How have we earned this? By our stellar system of justice? By how well we care for our planet? By how we treat other species? By how well we treat each other?

    WE are the greatest problem in the universe. Our selfish, egotistical arrogance insatiably destroys the balance of everything around it. If there were any justice in the universe, our species would be wiped out.

    Oh wait … I forgot, that’s already scheduled. It has been our justified fate since our first ancestors refused to follow the creator’s simple care instructions for our planet and selves. In very human fashion, we decided we wanted to choose for ourselves what was the right and wrong way to go about things. (And wow, what a great job we’ve done of making those decisions ever since).

    The problem? Our arrogance. The solution? Rehabilitate or remove us. 
    The mercy? Those who are willing to admit that our species is obviously incapable of replacing the original creator’s wisdom will turn back to the creator and say “what do we do now? How should we treat each other? How should we live to restore justice and balance and harmony?”

    That simple act of admitting that the creator’s way is better than ours, is what is called worship. It is for our own good. It is our only hope as a species, not to mention the species that we share this planet with.

    Of course, I know … I can see … Our species is clearly too arrogant to admit that we need help. It won’t happen. We’ll go on believing that if we just think hard enough, on our own, and maybe even get rid of those stupid people who keep distracting everyone from doing their part by insisting there’s some greater intellect out there that we can actually get help from, then eventually our species will figure it out on our own and get it all right.

    Really? Will we? Does that seem to be the direction things are going?

    Every major religion has had it’s turn of being hijacked by arrogant bloodthirsty morons. At this rate maybe secular humanism (which is also a religion) is next. After all, doing the things we hate the most in others, the things we swore we would never do, is one of our defining attributes.

    I’m here to say it’s not too late for some of us to realize that human wisdom and intellect is never going to save humankind, our planet or the species we share it with. But humbling ourselves and turning back to the creator is a much better idea.

    The creator actually loves us and will take anyone willing to yes, worship. Even though we dug this hole ourselves, no one will be forced to admit it. It’s your choice. Dig your heels in and keep believing humankind can solve its own problems if you want …

  • Where my Cynicism Ends

    I place no trust in

    songs or incantations

    policies, procedures

    crowns or thrones, no trust in

    weapons or defenses

    wealth, security

    success or celebrity

    titles or degrees, no trust in

    beauty or talent

    no amount of effort

    no new generation

    of men or machines


    But You, You are God

    creator of the universe

    and the lover of my soul


    You, You are Lord

    I am yours to stay

    And you will have your way


    You are all my reason

    and you are where

    My cynicism ends